Click each icon to learn more about each course track
Designed to ready and empower organizations to take advantage of potential revenue-generating opportunities that integrate Meals on Wheels into the healthcare ecosystem.
Designed to help organizations grow and diversify sustainable revenue streams through expert advice, training and insights, as well as case studies and best practices from successful Meals on Wheels programs.
Designed to build on the skills and knowledge of program leaders, board members and other decision-makers to support you in leading your organizations to not only be more contemporary and sustainable, but also enable your teams to adapt and thrive in an uncertain climate.
Designed to help organizations adapt to and thrive in a competitive marketplace by differentiating Meals on Wheels’ unique and invaluable offerings from our competitors and better defining and enhancing our value proposition.
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Registration Open
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Pre-Conference Session (Additional registration required)

Healthcare 101: An Introduction to Partnerships and Possibilities ($35) |
Presenters: Stephanie Archer-Smith, MS; Dan Hale, PhD; Melissa Smith; Jennifer Stiff
Moderator: Celia Barker, PMP
Track: Healthcare
Partnering with healthcare provides the best opportunity for the Meals on Wheels network to reach more clients, keep them healthy and safe in their own homes, and tap into the abundant funding that can future-proof our organizations. Our 2019 Pre-Conference crash course is designed to provide programs beginning to consider healthcare as an option with a foundational understanding of what’s possible and what’s needed to play in this space. You’ll hear from experts in the field about how you can ready your program, get a seat at the table and tell the story of your impact. If you’re looking to dive deep into these promising opportunities in healthcare at this year’s Conference, this session is a great place to start.
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Break for lunch (not provided)
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Pre-Conference Intensive Workshops (Additional registration required; refreshment break included)

NRCNA: Imagining an Innovative and Sustainable Future Through Creative Thinking ($60)
Presenter: Renae Brown, MS, RD, LD; Gregg Fraley; Tim Getty, MBA
Track: Service Offerings
Creativity – it's critical for your business! Innovative practices and programs offer senior nutrition programs the opportunity to meet the evolving needs of the seniors they serve, remain nimble in the face of a changing business environment, drive improved health outcomes for program recipients by promoting a higher quality of services and increased program efficiency. To build a sustainable future, we must first imagine what it will look like. Join the National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA) for an in-depth Pre-Conference Intensive Workshop led by trainer and master innovation facilitator Gregg Fraley. Attendees are encouraged to attend two virtual sessions included in the price of registration – one prior to this in-person workshop at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel on August 26, 2019 and one following. This three-phase learning series is designed to engage senior nutrition program leaders in an exciting and proven method rooted in creative problem solving to find fresh perspectives and identify new opportunities. This technique, combined with an array of targeted tools and resources, will enable you to identify key challenges and plan for an innovative future.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.
• Part 1: Virtual Session – Innovation 101 (Online – July 23, 2019 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.)
*Recording available to those who register after July 23rd
• Part 2: Intensive Workshop – Practical Applications in Creative Ideation (In person – August 26, 2019 from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel, Dallas, TX)
• Part 3: Virtual Session – Launching Your Innovation Journey (Online – October 2, 2019 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.)

Social Enterprise Fundamentals ($60)
Presenter: Vin Hoey
Track: Leadership
Social enterprise as a way to help generate revenue has been an increasingly popular topic in recent years as more and more Meals on Wheels programs find success in these ventures. If you are an aspiring social entrepreneur interested in learning how to start your own social enterprise or improve the one you already have, this Pre-Conference Intensive Workshop is for you. Vin Hoey from Strategic4sight will teach you what you need to know to go from a rookie to a pro. This fast-paced interactive session will start by covering foundational social enterprise knowledge and end with business plan development and marketing. Along the way, you’ll explore just what your organization could turn into a social enterprise, how to compete with other businesses and designing a business plan that can have you on your way to getting your idea off the ground!
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Meet and Greet Reception
Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar while you mingle with senior nutrition colleagues and connect with President and CEO Ellie Hollander and other Meals on Wheels America Staff.
5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. – State Association Meetings
Both current State Association members and attendees interested in forming a Meals on Wheels State Association have the opportunity to hold business and/or interest meetings at Conference. Please contact membership@mealsonwheelsamerica.org for more information.
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Registration Open
8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. – Breakfast Keynote: Ellie Hollander, President and CEO, Meals on Wheels America
Under Ellie’s leadership, Meals on Wheels America has continued to support and strengthen the nationwide network of senior nutrition programs. This includes intensifying advocacy efforts in Washington and achieving measurable results, growing our work in the healthcare arena by forging partnerships with Aetna and Humana, expanding our groundbreaking research that further differentiates our unique offering, and nurturing valuable national partnerships. Join Ellie as she officially kicks off our 2019 gathering with her annual “state of the union”-style address, complete with an overview of the Association’s strategic vision and her thoughts on the future.
9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. – Concurrent Sessions

A Roadmap for Succession Planning
Presenter: Ruth Masterson, MPP
Track: Leadership
Does your organization have leadership succession plans? If the answer is no, you’re not alone. According to BoardSource’s most recent “Leading With Intent” report, only 27% of nonprofit respondents have written plans. It’s time to overcome the obstacles holding you back – whether it be competing priorities, uncertainty about future candidates or overall resistance – and craft a plan for board and staff succession. You’ll learn practical tools to get started on a plan, what should be included in the plan and how to convey its value. Leave with a template in hand to help you implement!
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

More Than Just a Headcount: The 2020 Census |
Presenters: Mark Adler, MPH; Tiffany Gourley Carter; Hillary Medina-Loveless
Track: Community Engagement
The United States Census happens every 10 years, and the next undertaking is right around the corner in 2020. The Census provides grassroots data that determines how billions of dollars in federal funding are distributed to states and communities and can help you make informed business, research and policy decisions. Join us to learn why the 2020 Census matters for you, your organization and the individuals you serve and how you can get involved to make sure your community is counted!

Strategies for Success with Digital Fundraising
Presenter: Jason Wood; Daryl Twerdahl
Track: Development
Keeping up with the ever-evolving world of digital fundraising is essential to your organization’s success. But with the digital landscape shifting and changing at a breathtaking speed, how can a small nonprofit with limited resources keep up? In this session, a nonprofit digital marketing and online fundraising expert will share best practices and innovative tactics that will enhance your ability to effectively raise money and cultivate donors through digital channels. Case studies and real-world examples will help explore what’s possible for your organization. You’ll also hear from Member programs of various sizes about how they have planned, implemented and optimized their digital fundraising strategies. You’ll leave with tools and strategies to take your digital fundraising to the next level.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

Future-Proofing the Congregate Meal Program
Presenters: Uche Akobundu, PhD, RD; Meredith Ponder Whitmire, JD
Track: Service Offerings
What does it take to achieve long-term success for congregate meal programs? The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) and the National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA) collaborated this year to engage the nutrition and aging networks to reimagine and plan for the future of the congregate meal program. In this session, you’ll hear their recommendations for action based on a series of in-person and virtual convenings with program leaders and staff across the country. You’ll learn key strategies, tools and resources to position your program for future success and leave with actionable insights and concrete strategies to strengthen program appearance, client engagement and future sustainability.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.

Activating Around Our Assets |
Presenters: Sharron Crawford Corle, MS; Carter Florence, DrPH(c), MPH
Track: Service Offerings
Your community is filled with hidden treasures that can help improve the health and well-being of the individuals you serve. In this hands-on session, you will be introduced to an asset mapping tool designed to uncover strengths and resources in your community. You’ll learn how to take that inventory map and build on the assets required to address community needs and improve health. After this exercise, you’ll have a better understanding of how your program fits into a dynamic landscape.
New Opportunities for Medicare Advantage
Presenters: Anita Frankhauser, MS, RDN, LDN; James Michel; Leila Nowroozi, MPH, MBA
Track: Healthcare
Across the Meals on Wheels network, there is growing interest in opportunities to fully leverage the holistic Meals on Wheels service model. Recent changes by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have expanded the ways Medicare Advantage (MA) plans can meet the needs of their chronically ill members. By removing some of the long-standing requirements, such as prior hospitalization and limited duration of service, there are new opportunities for Meals on Wheels programs to partner with MA. You’ll learn about these new changes and how they might impact benefits going forward. You’ll also hear from a peer, who will share their experiences working with MA plans.
11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. – Communities of Practice Speed Networking
During this structured and fast-paced event, you'll have the opportunity to interact with peers from programs of a similar size to your own. This introductory session will prepare you to tackle your biggest challenges and opportunities at the full Communities of Practice Meetings on Wednesday.
12:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. – Lunch and Business Meeting
During this year's Meals on Wheels America Annual Business Meeting, we will present the 2018 Financial Report, introduce new Board Members, and provide important Membership and Advocacy updates.
In addition, Board Chair Patti Lyons will address all attendees, and we look forward to recognizing the 2019 Sister Alice Marie Quinn Award recipient.
2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. - Intensive Concurrent Sessions - Part 1

Ready for an Emergency? You Can Be! - Part 1
Presenter: Anngienetta Johnson, DSc; Monica Montoya, BBA, MBA
Track: Leadership
Many forward-thinking businesses and public sector organizations have an emergency plan ready to deploy when disaster strikes. However, having a plan in place is only one component of a successful emergency preparedness strategy. This session will explore actions you can take to prepare for and respond during man-made and natural disasters. You’ll learn how to build relationships with key community agencies, develop policies and procedures and assess risk when preparing for emergencies.
*Sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation

Event Trends: The Pressure to Innovate - Part 1
Presenters: Jennifer Covert; Arthur Crawford; Cindy Fink, MBA; Rebecca Linder
Track: Development
How can you make your event rise above the rest? This session will explore the technological, cultural, adult learning and design trends impacting events now and in the future. You’ll learn strategies to use these trends to stave off event fatigue, distinguish your event from all the others, maintain costs, enhance fundraising and stay connected to your stakeholders. After this session, you will understand how to leverage and prepare for events on behalf of your organization while enhancing the guest experience meaningfully.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

It's All About The Data - Part 1
Presenter: Michelle Molina, MA
Track: Healthcare
Join us for this interactive session where you and your peers will not only gain a better understanding of what data is, but also how you can use it to measure the impact your work is having. We’ll start by assessing where you are on your data journey. Then, we’ll explore what data would be useful for your organization to collect so you’re better able to make improvements, decisions and understand the extent to which you are achieving your goals. You’ll learn how others are collecting and using data, take stock of the work you’re already doing, discuss what information would be useful to know, explore potential data collection options, and walk away with actionable steps you can take to use data more effectively.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

Building Bridges to Improve Service - Part 1
Presenter: Bonnie Ewald, MA
Track: Service Offerings
Care coordination is important as health systems of all types and sizes look for ways to improve the quality of care, cut costs, and promote prevention or prevent the escalation of health conditions. Effective care coordination is critical to ensuring appropriate communication and planning among a variety of healthcare and community-based providers. In Part 1 of this two-part session, you will learn best practice models and how care coordination is evolving as a critical element of service delivery.

The 3 Rs of Volunteer Engagement: Recruitment, Recognition and Retention - Part 1
Presenters: Traci Lato-Smith, CVA
Track: Community Engagement
Volunteers are the lifeblood of many senior nutrition programs – you couldn’t do what you do without them! Join us for Part 1 of this two-part session focused on emerging trends and innovative strategies for the “3 Rs” of volunteer engagement: recruitment, recognition and retention. You will leave with a deeper understanding of new developments and strategies in the volunteer management field, tips and tools for strengthening your volunteer programs and connections to other practitioners in the Meals on Wheels network.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

Exploring Quality in Nutrition Programs and Why it Matters - Part 1
Presenters: Renae Brown, MS, RD, LD
Track: Service Offerings
Quality is a critical consideration for all nutrition programs given the ever-evolving demographic, cultural, health and social characteristics of the older adult population. In this session, you’ll examine quality nutrition program considerations by hearing about case studies of innovative initiatives offered at both the state and local provider levels. Join us for Part 1 of a two-part session to learn about the tools you can immediately add to your nutrition program’s quality assurance toolbox.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. - Refreshment Break
3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Intensive Concurrent Sessions - Part 2

Ready for an Emergency? You Can Be! - Part 2
Presenters: Charles Cloutman; Anngienetta Johnson, DSc; Drene Johnson; Monica Montoya, BBA, MBA
Track: Leadership
This session features a facilitated panel of your peers focused on emergency preparedness and readiness. Together, panel participants will share how they’ve each prepared their own agencies in the event of an emergency. During the session, you’ll complete a planning exercise so that you’re ready if disaster strikes.
*Sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation

Event Trends: The Pressure to Innovate - Part 2
Presenters: Jennifer Covert; Arthur Crawford; Cindy Fink, MBA; Rebecca Linder
Track: Development
This facilitated peer-to-peer session will focus on how event organizers are currently innovating. You’ll start by reviewing a before-and-after case study to highlight a current response to the pressure to innovate. Then, you’ll move into smaller discussion groups to identify best practices, lessons learned, available resources and which other trends your fellow peers see coming.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

It's All About The Data - Part 2
Presenters: Kelly Anderson; T. Lee Covington, MPA; Holly Hagler, MM; Michelle Molina, MA
Track: Healthcare
The healthcare system runs on data. To play in this space, we must go beyond basic client information to understand the impact of our services on specific outcomes tied to overall health and well-being. Join us for Part 2 of this two-part session to hear from a panel of your peers on the best ways to collect and share healthcare data.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

Building Bridges to Improve Service - Part 2
Presenters: Eve Anthony; Steven R. Cook; Judith Pelot
Track: Service Offerings
Now that you have a better understanding of care coordination best practices, join us for Part 2 of this two-part session to hear from your peers. During this time, you’ll hear from those who have actively engaged in developing a care coordination strategy within their programs, and what they have learned in the process.
The 3 Rs of Volunteer Engagement: Recruitment, Recognition and Retention - Part 2 |
Presenters: Shawna Callaghan; Sarah Drew-Watson; Traci Lato-Smith, CVA; Gerald Patesel; Virgina Skov, MHA, CDP
Track: Community Engagement
Volunteers are critical for many senior nutrition programs. Part 1 of this session focused on equipping you with a deeper understanding of new developments and strategies in the volunteer management field. Now, join us for Part 2, which features an interactive discussion with a panel of your peers who will share successful volunteer management strategies.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

Exploring Quality in Nutrition Programs and Why it Matters - Part 2 |
Presenters: Ryan Gadzo, MPA; James Stowe, PhD
Track: Service Offerings
Quality is a critical consideration for all nutrition programs given the ever-evolving demographic, cultural, health and social characteristics of the older adult population. In Part 2 of this two-part session, you’ll hear from a panel of your peers who have initiated quality nutrition efforts in their programs. Join us to add tools to your nutrition program’s quality assurance toolbox!
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Networking Reception
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - Young Professionals Networking Event (RSVP Required)
Young professionals will have their own time to build connections with others new to the Meals on Wheels network looking to grow in their roles and responsibilities.
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - CEO/Executive Director Networking Event (RSVP Required)
At this reception sponsored by Mutual of America, CEOs and EDs will have a chance to get to know other leaders and increase their circle of professional support across the country.
7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Registration Open
8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. – Breakfast Keynote: Bechara Choucair, MD, Senior Vice President and Chief Community Health Officer, Kaiser Permanente
There is growing recognition that much of what determines a person’s health and well-being happens outside the doctor’s office or the hospital – social determinants of health. That is especially true for the at-risk population the Meals on Wheels network serves.
Dr. Choucair is a top administrator at Kaiser Permanente, one of America’s leading integrated health systems. He oversees the organization’s national community health efforts and philanthropic giving activities aimed at improving the health of its 12.3 million members and the 68 million people within the communities it serves. Join Dr. Choucair as he shares Kaiser Permanente’s approach to addressing social determinants of health through effective, person-centered care, the value of community-based care and creating the evidence base to better understand the impact of how these services improve quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.
9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Concurrent Lightning Learning Sessions

How Discount Programs Allow You to Save More to Serve More
Presenters: Marzella Tyson, MPH
Moderator: Candace Duerr, MA, LD/N
Track: Leadership
Saving money is always a priority for organizations like yours. That’s why Meals on Wheels America created the Member Discount Program, to create dramatic savings on the products and services you use most. Through national partnerships with selected providers, you can leverage the buying power of the entire Meals on Wheels network for your local program. In this session, you’ll learn about current savings opportunities and educational support available to all Members who take advantage of the program, as well as plans to build meaningful discount program partnerships into the future. A panel of your peers who participate in the Member Discount Program will also share best practices and practical advice. Whether you are already participating or thinking about joining the program, this session will provide you with important insight on how to better serve your senior clients.

Use Food Education to Positively Impact Your Seniors
Presenter: Sherie Nelson, MBA, RDN, LD; Chef Mario Reyes, CEC, FWMCS
Track: Leadership
Join Wellness Director, Sherie Nelson, MBA, RDN, LD and Chef Mario Reyes from Elior North America as they share more about the company’s BeWell Teaching Kitchen. This traveling kitchen was created to focus on nutrition, engagement and food education for seniors. During this Session, you’ll learn more about how teaching someone to cook and prepare their own meals can decrease social isolation, increase senior engagement and improve overall wellness. During this dynamic presentation, Sherie and Chef Mario will inspire you to get into your kitchen to cook more often.

A Current State Overview of the Medicaid Landscape
Presenters: Sarah Arvey, PhD
Track: Healthcare
As it becomes more and more accepted that social drivers of health (SDOH) play a role in individual and population-level health, state Medicaid agencies are increasingly focused on contracting with managed care organizations (MCOs) that can demonstrate that they can address and improve SDOH that negatively affect Medicaid beneficiaries’ health and well-being. To win and fulfill contract requirements related to SDOH, many MCOs must develop meaningful partnerships with community-based organizations and social support services. In this presentation, you will learn about Medicaid programs and MCOs at a high-level and hear examples of how Medicaid agencies incorporate SDOH into their Medicaid programs and contractual relationships with MCOs. By becoming savvy about the state of the Medicaid landscape and what lies ahead, community-based organizations such as Meals on Wheels programs can begin to prepare to take advantage of opportunities to partner with MCOs.

Consistent Service Offerings – Nutrition
Presenter: Uche Akobundu, PhD, RD
Track: Service Offerings
We all know that Meals on Wheels delivers full-value service to seniors in communities that is so much more than just a meal. But what does this really mean, and how does it show up at programs across the network? This is the focus of the series of four Consistent Service Model sessions. Each session will focus on one of the core elements that make up our service model – Nutrition, Socialization, Safety and Connection to Community Services. In this session, you will gain a shared understanding of the Consistent Service Model element of nutrition. You’ll also learn about and share experiences with one another around what is currently happening locally, and together assess what enhancements we might consider for the future.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.

Consistent Service Offerings – Socialization
Presenter: Carter Florence, DrPH(c), MPH
Track: Service Offerings
We all know that Meals on Wheels delivers full-value service to seniors in communities that is so much more than just a meal. But what does this really mean, and how does it show up at programs across the network? This is the focus of the series of four Consistent Service Model sessions. Each session will focus on one of the core elements that make up our service model – Nutrition, Socialization, Safety and Connection to Community Services. In this session, you will gain a shared understanding of the Consistent Service Model element of socialization. You’ll also learn about and share experiences with one another around what is currently happening locally, and together assess what enhancements we might consider for the future.

Getting Your Organization Retirement Ready
Presenters: Jody Jurica
Track: Leadership
In a competitive job market, you want to know if your organization is offering a retirement plan that is attracting and retaining employees. Where to start? The place to start assessing your plan is to take a close look at your retirement plan provider. Are your employees utilizing the available benefits under your plan to the fullest? Or is this hampered by “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” mentality on the part of your service provider with infrequent and/or a lack of educational and face-to-face learning opportunities. You don’t want to end up paying a lot of money for a benefit that goes underutilized and results in employees leaving seeking a better benefits package. Participants will leave with a strong understanding of how to assess your current retirement plan and ideas on how to garner more employee utilization of your benefits.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. – Concurrent Lightning Learning Sessions
Technology, Systems, Software and Saving Solutions
Presenters: Gale Adland, Esteban Ojeda
Moderator: Doyle Delph
Track: Leadership
You can use technology to maximize impact with staff and volunteers! This interactive session discusses the use of a variety of Member Discount Program communication, scheduling, finance and volunteer verification tools that can be deployed in the online environment. Join us to learn about best practices in using technology-based tools, software and more traditional tools to connect with staff, volunteers and clients. Whether you’re already participating in the Member Discount Program or are thinking about joining the program, this session will provide you with important insight on how to better serve your senior clients.

Creating an Organizational Culture of Well-Being
Presenter: Danielle Collins, ACC, NBC-HWC
Track: Leadership
Burnout may be the greatest challenge of your career. In fact, it has become an occupational hazard among nonprofit staff. But it doesn’t have to be. Join us for a session focused on busting the myth that the only route to success is via overwork and fatigue and instead, learning how to create a culture of well-being in your organization where employees are cherished. You’ll learn seven comprehensive principles to dial down an overwhelming environment, as well as insights into transforming your organizational culture.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.

Consistent Service Offerings – In-Home Safety
Presenters: Carter Florence, DrPH(c), MPH
Track: Service Offerings
We all know that Meals on Wheels delivers full-value service to seniors in communities that is so much more than just a meal. But what does this really mean, and how does it show up at programs across the network? This is the focus of the series of four Consistent Service Model sessions. Each session will focus on one of the core elements that make up our service model – Nutrition, Socialization, Safety and Connection to Community Services. In this session, you will gain a shared understanding of the Consistent Service Model element of in-home safety. You’ll also learn about and share experiences with one another around what is currently happening locally, and together assess what enhancements we might consider for the future.
*Sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation

Consistent Service Offerings – Community Connections
Presenter: Lucy Theilheimer, MA
Track: Service Offerings
We all know that Meals on Wheels delivers full-value service to seniors in communities that is so much more than just a meal. But what does this really mean, and how does it show up at programs across the network? This is the focus of the series of four Consistent Service Model sessions. Each session will focus on one of the core elements that make up our service model – Nutrition, Socialization, Safety and Connection to Community Services. In this session, you will gain a shared understanding of the Consistent Service Model element of community connection. You’ll also learn about and share experiences with one another around what is currently happening locally, and together assess what enhancements we might consider for the future.

Community-Based Frameworks for Preventing Older Adult Suicide Through Innovations in Nutrition Services
Presenters: Laura Shannonhouse, PhD, LPC, NCC
Track: Service Offerings
Thousands of older adults end their life every year – at a rate of 23.5 each day – and that only includes "reported" suicides. Unreported suicides may be up to 25 times higher than that. Your clients are less likely to access formal mental health services, and physicians report less willingness to treat suicidal older persons compared to younger patients. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) may provide a standardized and measurable means for senior nutrition programs to identify and support older adults who may be at risk of suicide. Join this session to learn more about key findings from baseline data collected on older adults prior to the implementation of the ASIST intervention and from that, gain insights into how you can best support the seniors you serve.

The 2020 Elections - Rocking the Vote
Presenters: Katie Jantzi, LCSW; Thomas Jordan Miles III
Track: Community Engagement
You can’t make it through a day without hearing about the upcoming 2020 elections. These elections matter all the way from your local community officials to the President! Join us to hear from your colleagues as we share ways to engage, empower and involve the individuals you serve in the voting process. We’ll also discuss the ways that you and your organization can and cannot engage in advocacy during the election season.
11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. – Luncheon Keynote Panel: Tackling the Senior Population's Greatest Challenges Together
No single sector or organization can alone tackle the food insecurity, isolation and rising costs associated with keeping the rapidly growing aging population healthy and independent. This distinguished group of panelists brings together cross-sector perspectives on how to combat these challenges. Discover how we can work together to address the wide-ranging needs of the vulnerable population we all seek to serve.
Moderator: Andrew Renda, MD, MPH, Associate Vice President, Population Health, Humana
- Michele F. Bellantoni, MD, CMD, Associate Professor & Clinical Director, Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- John Feather, PhD, CEO, Grantmakers in Aging
- Kate Johnson, MPH, Senior Policy Analyst Health Division, National Governors Association
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Association Direct Mail Forum
Join representatives from Meals on Wheels America Leadership and Board of Directors for the opportunity to discuss the Association's two direct mail programs.
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Communities of Practice (Small, Medium & Large Programs)
Community of Practice meetings provide a unique forum for you to discuss and tackle your program’s biggest challenges and opportunities with fellow programs of similar size. Please select your community according to your program’s senior nutrition budget:
SMALL – budgets less than $500,000
MEDIUM – budgets between $500,000 and $2,000,000
LARGE – budgets greater than $2,000,000
3:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. – 2019 Meals on Wheels Expo
The 2019 Meals on Wheels Expo promises to be better than ever before, featuring the latest and greatest products and services to support your program's operations and success. On display you'll find a variety of offerings that range from prepared meals and technology solutions, to fundraising consultation and everything in between.
A reception with light refreshments will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the always-popular raffle will begin at 6:00 p.m. Every Conference attendee will be entered to win a whole host of incredible prizes from our generous 2019 Sponsors and Exhibitors, but you must be present during the raffle to win!
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Registration Open
7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. - Breakfast Keynote: Second City Works
The Second City comedy theater has produced some of the most unforgettable satire and influential comedians of the last sixty years. Its pioneering methods inspire the mindsets and behaviors that lead to rapid innovation and incomparable content. Second City Works – the professional services arm of the Second City – will use those same methods to help attendees drive personal growth and organizational improvement. You won’t want to miss this interactive and upbeat session that will ensure you head home with a renewed sense of confidence to take on the network’s biggest challenges and most promising opportunities.
9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – Concurrent Sessions

The ABCs of Compliance - It Doesn't Have to be Scary!
Presenter: Regan Pennypacker, CCEP
Track: Healthcare
A changing and increasingly complex healthcare environment presents many challenges to health plans and their business partners. Organizations entering this space must be fully knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities and the compliance issues their health plans face. In this session, you will learn the nuts and bolts of key compliance requirements associated with health plans. You’ll also have a chance to discuss challenges and what has worked best for you! Come ready to share your obstacles and best practices in order to help customize your program’s compliance roadmaps.

Advances in Addressing Malnutrition
Presenter: Seanna Marceaux, MS, RDN, LD; Susan Saffel-Shrier, MS, RD, CD
Track: Service Offerings
Your nutrition program may serve a significant and growing population of older adults who are malnourished or at high risk of poor dietary intake. As attention to this topic and the changing healthcare landscape increases, there are more opportunities than ever to help programs like yours support the nutrition needs of older adults. Join this session to discuss with your peers how you can strengthen your program’s approach to addressing malnutrition and better quantify the impact of such efforts on the health and well-being of the seniors you serve. The evidence that providing community-based meal services is effective in addressing poor dietary intake among this population is clear, and this session will help you to clearly communicate that and much more.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.

Overcoming Obstacles, Successful Strategies for Fall Prevention
Presenters: Leigh Ann Eagle, BS; Sue Lachenmayr, MPH, CHES; Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, CHES
Track: Service Offerings
Falls threaten the safety and independence of older adults, not to mention acting as the source of physical consequences and financial costs. In this session, you’ll learn about the current state of fall prevention in the United States. You’ll also hear from researchers and practitioners in the field on how you can implement and innovate evidence-based fall prevention strategies at your own program. Walk away with insights, resources and Member-implemented strategies for fall prevention.
*Sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation

Critical Conversations: How You Can Prevent and Recognize Elder Financial Exploitation
Presenters: Julie Krawczyk; Erin Scheithe, MED
Track: Service Offerings
There are steps you can take to prevent the financial abuse of seniors. Julie Krawczyk from the Elder Financial Safety Center and Erin Scheithe from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will teach specific steps that meal site coordinators, staff and volunteers can take to recognize and prevent financial exploitation. During this session, you’ll learn how to recognize seniors at risk of exploitation, as well as steps to report elder financial abuse to the proper authorities. You’ll walk through a case study of how others use the Money Smart for Older Adults curriculum to educate seniors in their community. Julie and Erin will also introduce you to free, easy-to-use prevention resources to use with your own organization.

Lessons Learned from Successful Public Relations Campaigns
Presenters: Kathie Taylor, APR; Courtney Warner
Track: Community Engagement
Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. Like any business, senior nutrition programs need to get their message, services and name out into the community. You don’t have to be a million-dollar company to catch the media’s eye! Join this peer-to-peer session to learn more about public relations strategies that can help you educate the public, increase donors and cultivate volunteers for your program.

Systems Change: Leveraging Animal Welfare to Create or Expand Pet Programs
Presenters: Heather Allard; Lindsay Del Chiaro; Deb K. Turcott
Track: Service Offerings
Many Meals on Wheels programs witness the critical bond between homebound seniors and their pets on a daily basis, but setting up a successful pet program and maintaining resources for the wide variety of pet care needs can seem daunting. Join us to learn more about how Meals on Wheels America and PetSmart Charities are embarking on a partnership to create comprehensive and impact-driven pet programs across the country that can help ease the burden. You’ll identify ways to leverage the human services and animal welfare sectors, review grant opportunities to create or expand pet programs and hear experiences from your peers who are National Pet Advisory Council affiliates.
11:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. – Refreshment Break
11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Concurrent Sessions

Getting Your Board on Board with New Ideas and New Mindsets
Presenter: Jeanne Allen
Track: Leadership
What happens when you bring your great new idea from Conference back to your board? Many nonprofit boards tend to be risk averse and hesitate to leap into the unknown, so we’ll focus on how to strategize your way to success back at home. Whether you’re considering new partnerships in healthcare, opportunities to expand service offerings or collaborations via regional networks, it is crucial to be prepared to build board buy-in for change initiatives. This interactive workshop will explore tips, tools and strategies for planning to change mindsets and outcomes, helping you to identify steps for success when bringing your new idea back to the boardroom.

Navigating the Straits of Accounting Requirements Between Fundraising and Compliance
Presenter: Douglas A. Boedeker, CPA
Track: Leadership
Program leaders and development professionals are often in a difficult spot: They need to enthusiastically raise funds for their organizations while also navigate a variety of accounting and tax compliance requirements. Problems with financial statement audits or tax compliance can damage a nonprofit’s reputation and cause your board to lose confidence in your program’s management. Fortunately, with proper awareness, the most significant issues can be prevented. In this session, we’ll review the most common audit and tax problems that can arise from fundraising and development activities. You will leave with solid strategies to help ensure a smooth audit and tax season.

Promising Practices in Food Service
Presenter: Uche Akobundu, PhD, RD; Betsy Cox, MA, CVA
Track: Service Offerings
The beating heart of a high-quality senior nutrition program is the food service operation that underlies it. Regardless of your geographic location, there are challenges that face all providers of community-based nutrition services. Join this interactive session to hear how two Members are addressing the same service delivery challenges you face: providing nutrition services in rural and urban settings, staffing and managing long meal delivery routes, providing meal choice and more. Learn from their creative and collaborative approaches to meeting the needs of the seniors they serve and leave with actionable ideas you can try right away. You won’t want to miss it!
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.

How to Leverage the Comprehensive Network Study
Presenters: Shannon Ely, PhD, MPH, CHES; Carter Florence, DrPH(c), MPH
Track: Leadership
The More Than a Meal Comprehensive Network Study – conducted by Trailblazer Research and funded by Aetna, a CVS Health business – was completed by each of you in 2018-19. It was designed to provide us all with a more accurate and in-depth national picture of who we are as a network, including who your program serves, how you’re funded, the types of services you offer and the incredible impact we all have on seniors across the country. In this interactive session, you will be introduced to some tips and tricks to help you use the findings from the More Than a Meal Comprehensive Network Study to benefit your value proposition. Learn how to make the data work for you and your program!

Creating Connections One Story at a Time
Presenters: Leslie May-Chibani, LSW; Joel McIver; Joey McNamee, MPA; Russ Stoddard
Track: Community Engagement
Whether you realize it or not, storytelling is an underlying piece of almost everything your program does. Whether inspiring donors to give, motivating volunteers or sparking an advocacy revolution, stories are the basic building blocks to reaching your goals. In this peer panel session, you’ll explore the many ways storytelling can build bridges to your stakeholders, learn storytelling tips and techniques from fellow practitioners, and discuss how the storytelling mindset could be integrated into your program.
The Secret to Successful Healthcare Partnerships |
Presenters: Debbie Case; Grant Jones; Stephen Papas, MPA
Moderator: Celia Barker, PMP
Track: Healthcare
Programs across the country are reporting more than ever that they’ve either established, or are interested in establishing, healthcare partnerships. Join us for a session focused on how your colleagues have gone about building these relationships with different types of healthcare organizations. You’ll hear straight from your peers what worked, the challenges they faced and how they overcame those hurdles. Walk away with valuable advice from your peers on how your program can go about seeking contracts with healthcare organizations.
All times and events subject to change