Click each icon to learn more about each course track
Designed to ready and empower organizations to take advantage of potential revenue-generating opportunities that integrate Meals on Wheels into the healthcare ecosystem.
Designed to help organizations grow and diversify sustainable revenue streams through expert advice, training and insights, as well as case studies and best practices from successful Meals on Wheels programs.
Designed to build on the skills and knowledge of program leaders, board members and other decision-makers to support you in leading your organizations to not only be more contemporary and sustainable, but also enable your teams to adapt and thrive in an uncertain climate.
Designed to help organizations adapt to and thrive in a competitive marketplace by differentiating Meals on Wheels’ unique and invaluable offerings from our competitors and better defining and enhancing our value proposition.
12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Registration Open
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Pre-Conference Intensive Workshops
For the first time, we are offering two concurrent Pre-Conference Intensive Workshops. These courses are designed to kick-start learning and enhance your 2018 Conference experience. Space is limited and an additional registration fee is required. Space is limited; Event Registration Required
 | Refocusing on Social Determinants of Health to Strengthen Client Impact (NRCNA) Fee: $50 |
Presenters: Elaine Clark; Dr. Kishore Nath, MD; Ivy Glinski, MSW; Eveline Van Beek, MSc; Erica Gibbons, MBA
Level: 201
Assuring the health and well-being of older adults often requires a comprehensive, multipronged approach. Research has shown that more than 75% of health is determined by a combination of factors outside the realm of medical care. Increasingly, these social determinants of health have been recognized as critical to the health of vulnerable populations. Senior nutrition programs have a long history of addressing non-medical needs for community-dwelling older adults, and are thus well-positioned to provide the nutritional, social, and environmental services that mitigate the health challenges that affect this population. Join the National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA) for this Pre-Conference Intensive Workshop that will introduce you to the social determinants of health framework and how senior nutrition programs can utilize this knowledge and demonstrate the value add of your services to healthcare. You will have the opportunity to learn from both subject matter experts and peers to gain insight in how you can better align your services to address the non-medical needs of the seniors you serve.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | A Beginner’s Guide to Healthcare Fee: $50 |
Presenters: Diana Crumley, JD, MPAff; Sarah Lechner, JD; Tim McNeill, RN, MPH; Suzanne Washington, MA
Moderator: Lori Peterson, MA
Level: 101
Do you want to gain a better understanding of the win-win opportunities for Meals on Wheels providers in a rapidly evolving healthcare environment? Join experts in the field for an introductory crash course on the world of healthcare, models of care, financing, regulation and implications for Meals on Wheels programs. Our presenters will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to understand how best to work with healthcare providers and payers in your area. If you’re interested in attending Healthcare sessions throughout the Conference, but are looking to get up to speed or refresh on the basics quickly, you won’t want to miss this Pre-Conference Intensive Workshop!
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. – Meet and Greet Reception
Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar while you mingle with senior nutrition colleagues and connect with President and CEO Ellie Hollander and other Meals on Wheels America staff.
5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. – State Association Meetings
Both current State Association members and attendees interested in forming a Meals on Wheels State Association have the opportunity to hold business and/or interest meetings at Conference. Please contact membership@mealsonwheelsamerica.org for more information.
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Registration Open
8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. – Breakfast Keynote: Ellie Hollander, President and CEO, Meals on Wheels America
Under Ellie’s leadership, Meals on Wheels America has redefined its vision and mission, undertaken a full organizational rebrand, embarked on a multi-year Ad Council PSA campaign, boosted advocacy efforts in Washington, established Meals on Wheels Health and pursued groundbreaking research—all toward the goal of strengthening the nationwide Meals on Wheels network. Join Ellie as she officially kicks off our 2018 gathering with her annual “state of the union”-style address, complete with an overview of the Association’s strategic vision, her thoughts on the future and possibly even dancing!
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – Concurrent Sessions
 | Healthcare Institute – Part 1: Delivering Consistent Service Offerings |
Presenters: Leila Nowroozi, MBA, MPH; Kim Delp, RN, BSN; Beth Schibley, BNS; Lucy Theilheimer, MA
Moderator: Ashley McCumber
Level: 201
Most of us refer to our service offering as being “so much more than just a meal” as it often goes beyond nutrition to deliver in-home safety interventions, socialization and even care coordination. But how does this offering differ from program to program and why does it matter? Part 1 of the Healthcare Institute will focus on the value of having a basic level of service offering consistency across programs. You will hear the perspective from a healthcare provider on the services that are of greatest interest to their industry, why consistency is important and how variation works for and against us. Meals on Wheels America Members will share their experiences refining their value propositions, and you’ll learn more about an initiative developed by the Pennsylvania State Association to prepare programs for state-wide contracts. Bring your thoughts on how together, we can provide a common service offering without the limitations of certification programs and performance standards.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
Part 2: The Importance of Data takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at 1:30 p.m.
Part 3: Compliance and Contract Negotiations takes place on Wednesday, August 30 at 8:30 a.m.
 | Level Up! Advocacy at the Local, State and Federal Levels |
Presenters: Eve Anthony; Kevin MacDonald; Patrick Rowan
Moderator: Katie Jantzi, LCSW
Level: 101
Have you ever wondered how fellow Meals on Wheels programs have successfully built relationships with or influenced their elected officials? In this Panel-of-Peers session, you will have an opportunity to hear how your peers have advocated and lobbied for changes that impact your work and the seniors served at all levels of government. Each Member panelist will share their experience and lessons learned from identifying a specific need, working with elected officials and government entities, to forming partnerships and coalitions to amplify the message.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians and CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Building Community and Driving Action on Social Media |
Presenter: Tom Lorenzo
Level: 201
Social media has become a fundamental part of any successful digital communications strategy. The power of social media to communicate your message, nurture a base and drive action is unmatched. That being said, the challenges are many – from understanding the constantly evolving social landscape, to determining who in your organization has the bandwidth to manage the effort. In this session we will build a foundation of knowledge and then work together to construct an achievable social media plan. We’ll define our audience and objective, develop a content strategy and consider the differences between organic and paid posts. In addition, we’ll discuss the organization structure, staff and workflow needed to be successful.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Creative Aging for Meaningful Social Engagement |
Presenter: Bert Ijams; Elaine Maly
Level: 101
Creative Aging uses the arts to enhance the quality of life of older adults, providing seniors with a sense of purpose and an opportunity for expression. Art also often provides people with an opportunity to collaborate and share their creations with others, making it a useful approach for engaging isolated clients. In this session, you will learn about the fundamentals of creative aging and its implications for health and well-being. Hear firsthand how this Member program successfully developed their innovative in-home art project, Art on Wheels, and how the program is evolving over time.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Changes in Nonprofit Financial Statements |
Presenter: Jeffrey D. Mechanick, MBA, AB
Level: 201
The most significant changes to nonprofit financial statements in over 20 years are now upon us. Are you ready for them? The lead staff person for nonprofits at the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), will walk you through the requirements of the FASB Accounting Standards Update 2016-14. The update and resulting changes were aimed at giving nonprofits more flexibility in telling their financial story to key external and internal stakeholders, such as donors, grantors, lenders, various public- and private-sector watchdogs, and governing boards. The changes must be implemented for calendar year 2018 (fiscal year 2018-2019) financial statements. You will discuss implementation considerations, and FAQs, and receive answer to your questions. Since these are significant reporting changes, we encourage you to bring your Board Members to this session as well.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | The Art of Storytelling – Part 1 |
Presenter: Tammy Zonker
Level: 101
The stories you share about the difference your program is making in the community are among your most valuable assets. These stories of the incredible seniors you serve, your amazing volunteers and the vital service you deliver can inspire action and create change. There’s no doubt that your stories can help you raise funds, attract talented and committed staff, board members and volunteers, and garner attention from the media and lawmakers. This two-part Intensive Workshop will help you enhance the stories you tell by examining best practices, sharing successful examples and honing your own skills. Part 1 will focus on the foundations of storytelling more broadly, while Part 2 will focus on the stories you tell for fundraising and for advocacy.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
Part 2 of The Art of Storytelling takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at 1:30 p.m.
11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. – Luncheon Keynote: Edwin Walker, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging of the Administration on Aging + Business Meeting
As the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging of the Administration on Aging (AoA) within the Administration for Community Living, Edwin Walker guides and promotes the development of home and community-based long-term care programs, policies, and services designed to afford older Americans the ability to age with dignity and independence. Join the Deputy Assistant Secretary as he shares his vision for the Meals on Wheels network and plans for inspiring the next generation of senior nutrition leaders.
The Luncheon Keynote will be immediately followed by Meals on Wheels America’s Annual Business Meeting. Agenda items include the review of the 2018 Financial Report, introduction of new Board members, important Membership updates and the recognition of the inaugural 2018 Sister Alice Marie Quinn Award recipient.
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Concurrent Sessions
 | Healthcare Institute – Part 2: The Importance of Data |
Presenters: Greg Prosser; Mike Kurliand, MS, BSN, RN; Holly Hagler, MM
Moderator: Lucy Theilheimer, MA
Level: 201
The healthcare system runs on data. To play in this space, we must go beyond basic client information to understand the impact of our services on specific outcomes tied to overall health and well-being, and their associated reductions in high-cost services. Part 2 of the Healthcare Institute will focus on how value-based reimbursements will demand that we expand on our already existing data collection, storage and sharing practices so that we can tell accurate, data-driven stories about our clients, their needs and our collective impact. Join us to learn how the extent to which programs leverage a common approach to data collection and storage will better position the network as a whole to advocate for more federal, state and local funding, better define our value proposition, and secure valuable national, regional and state healthcare partnerships.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
Part 1: Delivering Consistent Service Offering takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at 9:30 a.m.
Part 3: Compliance and Contract Negotiations takes place on Wednesday, August 30 at 8:30 a.m.
 | Following the Money through Data-Driven Fundraising |
Presenter: M. Linda Wastyn, PhD
Level: 201
This interactive session will discuss the importance of using data to inform fundraising planning and program execution to make decisions that improve fundraising effectiveness. Join us to learn more about the types of data to collect, best practices for collecting that data, and how to use it during every phase of the fundraising cycle. An expert from an integrated fundraising consulting firm for nonprofit organizations will also discuss the importance of balancing the need for data and the use of that data to prevent “analysis paralysis” – an over-reliance on data that stifles creativity and action – and help you develop a list of “must have” data points for every fundraising program.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | The Leader’s Role in Sustaining Volunteer Passion |
Presenter: Barry Altland
Level: 201
Volunteers are attracted to the vision and mission of the organization. Their passions have been discovered. What can a leader of volunteers do to sustain their passion? Participants in this session will explore best practices for discovering, leveraging and feeding the inherent passions of every volunteer in their organization. As leaders (yes, we are all leaders!) we share in the responsibility of equipping, guiding, supporting and inspiring those who serve with us. The tips and techniques shared will prepare you to create enriching, fulfilling experiences that make volunteers want to keep coming back!
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Internal Controls for Small and Medium-Sized Organizations |
Presenter: Chris Cole, CPA, CFE, CFF, CGMA
Level: 201
Designing and implementing an effective system of internal controls for your organization can be both time consuming and challenging. Adapting to rapidly changing business models and new technologies requires you to be informed and agile. Join an expert from the American Institute of CPAs to learn best practices for small and medium-sized organizations. Participants will walk away with the ability to use sound judgment to monitor, evaluate and audit cost-effective internal controls.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | The Art of Storytelling - Part 2 |
Presenter: Tammy Zonker
Level: 201
The stories you share about the difference your program is making in your community are among your most valuable assets. These stories of the incredible seniors you serve, your amazing volunteers and the vital service you deliver can inspire action and create change. There’s no doubt that your stories can help you raise funds, attract talented and committed staff, board members and volunteers, and garner attention from the media and lawmakers. This two-part Intensive Workshop will help you enhance the stories you tell by examining best practices, sharing successful examples and honing your own skills. Part 1 will focus on the foundations of storytelling more broadly, while Part 2 will focus on the stories you tell for fundraising and for advocacy.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
Part 1 of The Art of Storytelling takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at 9:30 a.m.
 | Advances in Nutrition, Aging and Oral Health |
Presenters: Uche Akobundu, PhD, RD; Tina Montgomery, MBA; Jose Luis Sanchez
Level: 101
While we know oral health is an important, but often overlooked, component of our overall health and quality of life, challenges tend to arise as you age due conditions such as diabetes or multiple medication use. Luckily, Meals on Wheels programs are well-positioned to play a vital role in supporting the oral health of seniors. In this session, you’ll learn about new innovative food service, dental care, nutrition and health education strategies and resources – such as the ToothWisdom: Get Smart About Your Mouth curriculum that can help address the oral health needs of your clients.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. – Lightning Learnings
 | Big Data, Big Results: Leveraging Your Data to Quantify Your Program's Impact |
Presenter: Chris Culak; Patrick Offner
Learn how Member program VNA Dallas collaborated with PricewaterhouseCoopers on a “virtual twin” data project to simulate health savings realized for seniors receiving Meals on Wheels vs. those who do not. The results have enabled the program to provide evidence for the positive health outcomes and cost savings their services provide – a benefit for not only the seniors served, but the community at large.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.

Older Americans Act Reauthorization
Presenter: Crystal Espie, MPA; Katie Jantzi, LCSW
Join the Meals on Wheels America Advocacy Team for a brief update on the Older Americans Act (OAA) Reauthorization process and timeline. You’ll have a chance to discuss what’s working well and what could be improved within the OAA, as well as share your insights and feedback on reauthorization priorities. We want to hear from you!
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Virtual Connections - Best Practices in Tech Training and Support to Address Isolation |
Presenter: Michael Wilson, PhD
Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of integrating technology to enhance your service offering? This Lightning Learning session will cover a step-by-step approach to training, socializing, and supporting clients in using technology for social engagement and other activities.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Advancing In-home Safety Checks |
Presenter: Emily Nabors, MSG
What should we be looking for to make our homes safer and more age-friendly? This Lightning Learning session will cover what a home safety check is and share resources for how to choose your home safety check protocol. Go home with much needed, interactive resources for knowing how to identify fall hazards and approaches to making daily life easier for you, your volunteers and your clients.
Everything You Need to Know About Our Comprehensive Network Study |
Presenters: Shannon Ely, MA, PhD(c); Hailey Kenkel; L. Carter Florence, DrPH(c), MPH
The next phase of our More Than a Meal body of research will gather in-depth information about your program, the clients you serve and the impact you are having so that we can paint an accurate picture of not only what the network is experiencing but also what we’re able to achieve together. Join us to learn how to participate, what to expect and how the results will strengthen our collective ability to attract more partnerships and funding.
 | Why the Cat Eats First |
Presenter: Deborah K. Turcott
The bond between people and their pets has a depth that's been tested by hunger, poverty, violence and natural disasters. Why does this relationship carry such power and what are we collectively doing to recognize that caring for one often means caring for both? Learn about the human animal bond and successful examples of how animal and human welfare organizations are collaborating to ensure that neither lives in need.
 | How to Spot Elder Abuse and What To Do |
Presenter: Erin Scheithe
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an agency of the U.S. government responsible for consumer protection in the financial sector, and a lot of their work focuses on protecting vulnerable seniors. This session will provide a brief overview of Elder Financial Abuse, what it is and how to spot it. You’ll also walk away to information on how to secure free resources for your clients.
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Keynote Panel: Exploring the Intersection of Healthcare and Meals on Wheels
The healthcare community has become increasingly focused on studying the social determinants of health to provide improved patient-centered care and create healthier communities. We're excited to bring together a panel of experts from the industry to discuss population health trends, and how together, we can address health risks determined by the conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship and age. Lucy Theilheimer, Chief Strategy and Impact Officer at Meals on Wheels America, will moderate a conversation focusing on how these trends are playing out in communities across the country and ways your program can become a part of win-win collaborations to extend reach and impact to high-risk seniors. Each expert panelist will share their thoughts on how to improve care for the vulnerable population we serve and their outlook for the future.
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Networking Reception
Catch up with your Meals on Wheels America Board Members and fellow Conference attendees after the first full day of events. Enjoy a complimentary beverage and hors d’oeuvres courtesy of our 2018 host, The Westin Charlotte, before heading out to explore what the Queen City has to offer.
7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Registration Open
7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. – Grab & Go Breakfast
Grab a nourishing breakfast set up in the Providence Promenade on the first floor outside the Providence Ballroom and head in to your selected Intensive Workshop room to eat, network and prepare for the day.
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. – Intensive Workshops
 | Leveraging Social Enterprise to Advance Your Impact |
Presenter: Kila Englebrook; Pam Dukes; Francea Philips
Level: 301
There is no denying the ability for social enterprise to change lives, but to what extent can it be used as a model for Meals on Wheels programs to grow and sustain their efforts in combatting senior hunger and isolation? Join Kila Englebrook, President and CEO of the Social Enterprise Alliance, for this Intensive Workshop that will provide an overview of social enterprise models, highlight relevant case study examples and hear from several peers. You will also have the chance to go through an exercise to identify potential social enterprise opportunities for your program.
Note: This Intensive Workshop is part of a three-part series: a free pre-Conference webinar that was held on Thursday, August 2 (watch the recording), this live session and a post-Conference follow-up webinar. Attending all three is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged
 | The Nitty Gritty of Advanced Grant Writing |
Presenter: M. Linda Wastyn, PhD
Level: 201
Bring along an example of a grant-fundable project, and join us for this advanced Intensive Workshop on grant writing! After a review of the common elements of most grant applications, you’ll have the opportunity to write and share a needs statement and a project plan with a small group in a peer review format. Together, we’ll develop and share a resource guide of where to find grant opportunities and data to support your future needs statements. Each group will share selected needs statements with the rest of the participants to encourage interaction and learning.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians and CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
Note: This Intensive Workshop is part of a three-part series: a free pre-Conference webinar on Thursday, August 16, this live session and a post-Conference follow-up webinar. Attending all three is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged
 | Interventions, Tools and Resources to Address Malnutrition |
Presenters: Tim Getty, MBA; Pam VanKampen, RDN, CD; Shauna M. Frost; Valerie Quintana, MA, PTP; Nancy Myers, PhD
Level: 201
The reality is, malnutrition is an all too common problem for seniors and it can be exacerbated by a myriad of complications such as recent hospitalization, medication use, food insecurity, illness and social isolation. A lack of awareness of seniors’ risk of malnutrition and the steps that can be taken to improve their dietary intake, can also play an important role. Beyond providing a nutritious meal, programs like yours can leverage assets like staff relationships with health professionals and available research to identify and address the needs of seniors at nutrition risk. In this Intensive Workshop you’ll learn best practices for engaging with stakeholders in the community, training your staff, and collaborating with local healthcare entities in innovative ways to assess, document, communicate and design interventions that improve the care and outcomes for malnourished seniors. You will also gain insights into important nutrition education resources that can help seniors identify foods they need to stave off malnourishment.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Effective Advocacy Boot Camp |
Presenter: Brad Fitch, MA
Level: 101
Whether you are new to advocacy or a seasoned veteran, you’ll gain practical skills to take back home to be the best advocate for Meals on Wheels and the seniors you serve. During this advocacy training intensive, you’ll hear from an expert who will discuss how as a nonprofit you can and should advocate. You’ll learn different strategies and tactics about how to build and maintain relationships with your Members of Congress and staff; how to prepare for, execute and follow-up after visits and meetings; how to tell effective stories to support legislative asks and ultimately create congressional champions. This will be an interactive session with opportunities to learn from and practice with your peers.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Bridging Health and Housing for Older Adults |
Presenters: L. Carter Florence, DrPH(c), MPH; Chris Estes; Dan Sargent; Sean L. Walker, MPA; Maurice Elder Jr.; Dennis Streets, MPH, MAT, LNHA
Level: 101
Over the last several decades, evidence showing the link between housing and health has grown. This Intensive Workshop is designed to explore the importance of housing as it relates to senior health and to share real examples from experts and fellow Members on how communities are working together to better meet the needs of aging individuals. You’ll walk away knowing how to address both your clients’ ability to function safely in their homes and the opportunities to improve the home environment itself.
 | Healthcare Institute – Part 3: Compliance and Contract Negotiations |
Presenters: Sabeena Hussain-Raza, JD; Sandra Noe; Renee Longarini; Taylor Pitts
Facilitator: Regan Pennypacker, CCEP
Level: 201
Part 3 of the Healthcare Institute will cover two distinct topics. The first 90 minutes will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to develop a compliance program on Medicare Advantage and HIPAA compliance requirements, and how to address, Fraud, Waste and Abuse (“FWA”) within your organization. Health plans that contract with the Meals on Wheels network must have confidence that there will be no data breach that would cost the health plan significantly not only in money but more importantly in loss of trust. Join us to hear how two local programs developed compliance policies and handled staff training. The second 90 minutes will help you start preparing for negotiations with a health plan. Presenters will cover the all aspects of contract negotiation, including the elements of a contract, the Master Service Agreement, the statement of work. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of payments, the Business Associate Agreement, vendor security and compliance requirements, and have the chance to watch a role-play in a fictional negotiation.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
Part 1: Delivering Consistent Service Offering takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at 9:30 a.m.
Part 2: The Importance of Data takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at 1:30 p.m.
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – 2018 Meals on Wheels Expo + Lunch
The first half of the 2018 Meals on Wheels Expo will include a grab and go style lunch as you peruse the latest and greatest products and services designed to support your program’s success. On display you’ll find a variety of offerings that range from prepared meals and technology solutions, to fundraising consultation and everything in between.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. – Concurrent Sessions
 | Tips and Tricks to Increasing Menu Options for Your Clients |
Presenters: Kevin Ressler, MDiv; Michael Buck
Level: 101
The population of older adults served by senior nutrition programs across the country is changing. These “new” seniors are shaking up food service with their appetite for change and variety. Move over, meatloaf – today’s seniors represent the “dinner party generation” and they are seeking contemporary taste- and health-conscious offerings from Meals on Wheels. This Panel-of-Peers session will highlight how three fellow Members have addressed this challenge through understanding the changing demographics of their communities, the food tastes of the seniors they serve, revamping their menus to offer greater choice and updating food service operations.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Trends in Nonprofit Digital Storytelling – What Works and How to Do It |
Presenter: Julia Campbell, MPA
Level: 201
There’s no doubt that digital technologies have fundamentally changed the way people research, consume and share information. We know that sharing their stories online creates the most engagement and gets the best results, but with the digital landscape shifting and changing at a breathtaking speed, how can a small nonprofit with limited resources keep up? In this session, a nonprofit digital marketing and online fundraising expert will provide you with an overview of the digital marketing landscape as it applies to nonprofits in 2018 and beyond. You will learn what to look for when forming your digital storytelling strategy and the top trends and tools to use to accomplish your digital storytelling goals.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Demystifying Care Coordination |
Presenters: Megan Coffman; Leila Nowroozi, MPH, MBA; Alan Winstead
Moderator: Marci LeFevre, MA
Level: 101
Care coordination – a person-centered and team-based approach to delivering care – is being increasingly recognized as an effective strategy to improve patient care across an individual’s lifespan. High-risk, homebound older adults, many of whom are clients served by Meals on Wheels, have been identified as a critical population for affecting the most impactful outcomes through care coordination efforts. During this session, presenters will define care coordination, highlight principles and best practices, and share examples of community-based organizations partnering with local healthcare organizations to integrate and streamline the delivery of services in their respective communities. Participants will walk away with a better understanding of what care coordination is, the elements of good care coordination and ideas they can implement in their programs.
 | A Crash Course in Financial Planning and Analysis |
Presenter: Alyssa Federico, CPA
Level: 201
Is your organization well equipped to make smart operational, financial and strategic decisions? Most CFOs are not happy with their Financial Planning and Analysis process, believing it delivers too little value and eats up too many resources. This essential crash course – led by an expert from the Finance Foundation of the Carolinas – will cover best practices in basic accounting and financial management, budgeting, cash management analyzing and interpreting financial statements and forecasting. It’s a great session for those who are new in their financial planning role or those veterans who could simply use a refresher!
 | How Generosity is Changing in America |
Presenter: Alicia Alexion, MBA, CFRE
Level: 101
What is crowd funding and is it right for me? Should I invest in #GivingTuesday? What opportunities exist for my program from donor-advised funds? What are corporate donors looking for from charitable partners? Philanthropy is changing and it is important to stay up to date with current trends and technologies in order to keep your organization healthy, vibrant and sustainable. This session will cover some of the latest fundraising tools and practices and discuss when to apply them effectively, which technologies to pursue and at what cost.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Strategic Planning to Ensure Long-Term Success |
Presenter: Brian Poplin, DHA, MS
Level: 201
Back by popular demand, Dr. Brian Poplin, President and CEO of Elior North America, will share the importance and benefits of effective strategic planning. From meal production to securing funds, this session will help you discover new ways to tackle your biggest challenges to achieve long-term success. Referencing tactics from his 20+ year career running people-focused companies in healthcare and foodservice management, Brian will discuss how to build, implement and work a strategic plan from the ground up. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact directly with Brian during a Q&A session.
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Communities of Practice (Small, Medium & Large Programs)
Our Member-led Community of Practice meetings provide a unique forum for you to discuss and tackle your biggest challenges and opportunities with similarly sized programs. Launched at the 2016 Annual Conference in Nashville, recognizing that knowledge and collaboration is a key source of competitive advantage, the first Community of Practice was started with an eager contingent of large programs. With positive feedback and realized value, the large programs met again in April 2017 before the communities expanded to include small and medium programs at the 2017 Meals on Wheels Annual Conference in Denver. On the heels of productive in-person and virtual meetings in May 2018, we're excited to convene all three Communities of Practice – for small, medium and large programs – in Charlotte.
Please select your community according to your program’s senior nutrition budget:
- SMALL - budgets less than $500,000
- MEDIUM - budgets between $500,000 and $2,000,000
- LARGE - budgets greater than $2,000,000
5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. – 2018 Meals on Wheels Expo Reception
The second half of the 2018 Meals on Wheels Expo will include light hors d’oeuvres and complimentary beverages thanks to Premier, Inc., as well as an always-popular raffle including exciting prizes from our 2018 Exhibitors and Sponsors!
7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Registration Open
7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. – Breakfast Keynote: Nick Tasler, organizational psychologist, author & speaker
Nobody is better positioned to create dynamic organizational changes than the leaders who make your program move day after day. Unfortunately, many talented managers and supervisors are held back by a belief that they lack the time, the budget, and the formal authority to drive the needed changes. Nick Tasler, an internationally acclaimed thought leader, organizational psychologist and the #1 best-selling author of four counterintuitive books on the art and science of making decisions and leading change, is ready to share his experience with the Meals on Wheels network as we address the rapidly evolving challenges and opportunities before us. This inspiring keynote promises to shatter that debilitating belief by revealing three simple decisions that will unleash the change leader inside us all.
9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. – Concurrent Sessions
 | The Implications of the 2017 Tax Reform Law for Meals on Wheels Programs |
Presenter: Eric Glantz, CPA, MBA
Level: 201
Congress approved H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017, dramatically altering the U.S. tax code. Although changes to the corporate and individual tax codes grabbed the headlines, nonprofit organizations will also be impacted. Join a nonprofit tax expert from Raffa, P.C. to learn more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and how it will impact your organization. You will learn what’s in the new law, what impact tax reform will have on your fundraising, how your calculations will change for unrelated business income (UBI) and much more.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | How to Build a High Performing Board |
Presenter: Jeanne L. Allen
Level: 201
As nonprofits consider new directions and opportunities, it’s important to create and sustain the strategic and governing board needed to guide you toward a successful future. As a leader, it’s critical that you position your board for future deliberations and discussions with intentional and consistent development of board members. This highly interactive session will examine actions of highly performing nonprofit boards and leave you inspired with at least three ideas for immediate adaptation.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Plant Forward Dining – Why It’s All the Rage and How You Can Do It Too |
Presenters: Susan Levin, MS, RD, CSSD; Juliane Steenkamer, MS, RDN; Susan Fisher, PhD
Level: 101
In restaurants all over the country, vegetables are increasingly taking center stage on our plates. Diners of all ages are embracing this trend, but in particular baby boomers who view plant-forward diets as a way to manage chronic diseases and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Is your program able to accommodate this growing trend of leaf-to-root dining to boost the nutrient density of your menus and to meet the health and culinary needs of current and future seniors? Join this session to hear more about what is at the heart of plant-forward dining, how beneficial it can be for seniors and how programs like yours are leveraging this trend to meet their client satisfaction and retention goals.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Making the Most of Client Socialization |
Presenters: Elise Hernandez, PhD, MSW; Mary Lee Anderson
Level: 101
Social isolation is a growing public health concern that can lead to serious health consequences, particularly among the senior population we serve. For many socially isolated seniors, Meals on Wheels delivers more than just vital nutrition. This session will provide an overview of how client social engagement is instrumental to better nutrition, developing community connections, and detecting and preventing safety hazards. From assessment to useful social interaction activities, you will learn how to enhance social engagement to provide more holistic care and create more positive health and well-being outcomes for your clients.
 | Better Health While Aging – Fall Prevention for Homebound Seniors |
Presenters: Scott Trudeau, PhD, OTR/L; Kathleen Cameron, MPH; Chelsea Gilchrist, MSG
Level: 201
Each year, falls result in more than $50 billion in healthcare costs. As we know that many falls are preventable, Member programs have made great strides over the past few years in reducing environmental hazards in the homes of clients that can lead to falls. Next level efforts in fall prevention, however, look to programs designed to better prevent and reduce the risk of falls at the individual level. Through this session, you’ll learn more about the risks and impacts of falling for older adults and hear about some of the innovative approaches, resources and partnerships to reduce those risks for homebound seniors.
 | Jumpstart Your Sustainability – An Interactive Experience |
Presenter: Kevin Monroe, MA
Level: 201
Have you ever left a conference full of enthusiasm and great intentions only to experience setbacks instead of strategic breakthroughs? If you’re not careful, all of the great ideas you have will be derailed by the distractions of the day-to-day details leaving you disappointed and frustrated by your lack of progress. This session is designed to make sure that doesn’t happen this year by providing a framework for action planning that allows you to leave Charlotte knowing the progress you want to make between now the end of 2018 and what is most important for you to accomplish in the next 30 to 45 days. Join us to synthesize, crystallize and prioritize the key insights you have gained throughout three days of intensive learning and networking and identify what is most important for your program to implement to enhance your sustainability. You will walk away with the beginning of an implementation plan and an identification of how you will recruit the resources you need to succeed.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
To make the most of this sessions, check out the recording of Kevin's free pre-Conference webinar "Planning Your 2018 Conference Experience with the End in Mind" here.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Panels-of-Peers
 | Just What the Doctor Ordered: Healthcare through State Advocacy |
Presenters: Jennifer Stiff; Molly Haroz; Lee Covington, MPA
Moderator: Katie Jantzi, LCSW
As states work out how to support a growing aging population while also facing budget challenges and ongoing policy changes to Medicare and Medicaid, there are increasing opportunities to implement innovative nutrition and health interventions locally and statewide. Accordingly, there are unique and exciting opportunities for programs to advocate for policy and regulatory changes to more fully embed Meals on Wheels into the healthcare ecosystem in their home states. In this Panel-of-Peers session, your fellow Members will explore and explain the importance of advocating for health policy at local and state levels, identify the broad range of opportunities that exist to advocate for and share exciting examples of current projects and tips that you can use to be a successful advocate.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians and CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Lessons Learned From Adopting the National Meals on Wheels Brand |
Presenters: Susan Waldman; Sarah Campbell; Tara Huffman; Susannah Meyer
Adopting the national Meals on Wheels brand as your own is the most powerful way to show your connection to, and leverage the power of, the wider Meals on Wheels movement. This Panel-of-Peers session will share the experiences from three of the 100+ Meals on Wheels America Members that have adopted the national brand and are leveraging it to generate greater recognition and support in their communities. Join us to hear how best to approach the topic with your leadership, implement a rebrand and much more from those who have gone before you!
 | What You Need to Know About Cause Marketing |
Presenter: Liz Edelen; LuAnn Oatman; Gale Adland
Cause marketing (synonymous with cause-related marketing) is the marketing of a for-profit product or business which benefits a nonprofit charity or supports a social cause in some way. A great Meals on Wheels example is Subaru of America’s annual Share the Love Event where a $250 donation is made to the customer’s choice of charity during the holiday season. Join a brand partnerships expert from Subaru, as well as a panel of your peers, to learn more about benefits, challenges and opportunities associated with cause-related marketing in your local community. After this session, you should walk away with a working knowledge of basic cause marketing principles in addition to some creative ideas on how to enhance your participation in this year’s annual Share the Love Event.
This session is eligible for CEU hours for Certified Fund Raising Executives.
 | Cooking Up Innovations in Food Service – Promising Peer Practice Models |
Presenters: Denise Blevins, RDN/LD; Michael Buck; Lynda Christison, BSW, MPA, CIRS-A/D
At the heart of every thriving Meals on Wheels program is a sound food service operation. To be effective, you must optimize all aspects of your operations to meet evolving business and client needs, and manage human, culinary and financial resources. Thinking creatively and innovatively allows programs like yours to leverage assets to maximize efficiencies. In this Panel-of-Peers session, you will hear from three Members who have found ways to update, re-examine and transform their food service operations, in ways small and large, to expand their service offerings, increase client satisfaction and reduce costs.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | Scaling What Works - Learnings from the More Than a Meal Body of Research |
Presenters: Shon Gress, BSC, MSHCS; Andrea Morris, PhD, MPH
Moderator: Marci LeFevre, MA
Across the Meals on Wheels network, there is growing interest in business and service delivery opportunities that a technology-enabled, health monitoring protocol can have. In this Panel-of-Peers session, two of your fellow Members will share their challenges, successes and insights related to adopting and implementing the client change-of-condition model explored in the More Than a Meal Process Evaluation that integrates home and safety screenings with daily meal deliveries by their programs and in their communities. You will also learn about the recently launched More Than a Meal Process Expansion project designed to scale this work, and discover opportunities for your program to adopt and implement this model.
This session is eligible for CPEU hours for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
 | What About Buddy? Exploring Different Approaches to Pet Programs |
Presenters: Heather Allard, MA; Juliet Nations; Tim Getty, MBA
Pets are clients, too. Research has shown that pet owners consider their furry friends part of the family, and their companionship alleviates feelings of loneliness. From pet food to discounted veterinary services, hundreds of Meals on Wheels organizations are delivering services to their clients’ pets. Join us to hear experiences in administering pet programs from Members of different sized organizations as they talk about the scope of services that can be offered, and how community partnerships and fundraising can help sustain a pet program. You’ll also have a chance to engage directly with panel speakers in small breakout groups to ask questions and share ideas.
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Closing Luncheon Keynote: Matthew Hoffman, television host and creator of "Tuesdays with Matthew"
Join American television host and personality Matthew Hoffman for a lighthearted and entertaining closing lunch before you head out of town. Matthew will talk about what inspired him to create "Tuesdays with Matthew," a volunteer program and video series for seniors where he takes iconic scenes from famous movies and recreates them with the "scene-iors" starring as the leads. Armed with costumes, wigs, and a green screen, Matthew’s intention is to make seniors feel like Movie Stars. The series has garnered national attention from People Magazine, Huffington Post, and others, and he donates one hundred percent of the monetization from video views to Meals on Wheels America to help us address senior hunger and isolation nationally. You won't want to miss this celebration of incredible population that we serve.
All times and events subject to change